2018年3月の京都伏見は楽しみがいっぱい! パンまつり、日本酒まつりに蔵元イベント、ロゲイニングまちあるき、咲き誇る桃の花をめぐるウォーキングイベント、京菓子づくり体験に京ろうそく工房見学、京型染友禅体験も! 詳しくはhttp://march2018.kyotofushimi.com/ をご覧ください!


The FUSHIMI Exchange Student Support Group is a Nonprofit Organization for the interaction between foreign exchange students studying in Fushimi and its locals, as well as the preservation and international promotion of Fushimi’s own culture and customs. Established in April, 2015, exciting activities are hosted at our headquarters on a monthly basis. Read More…
